
Monday, February 14, 2011

Finally Stop the Nail Biting Habit - ACRYLIC NAILS

If you have ever tried to stop biting your nails or tried to get your child to stop nail biting, you know how challenging it can be to break the habit.
Unfortunately, there are few situations when you don't use your hands. Like it or not, people do judge you by how you look. When there is little of your nails or what is left of your nails is raw and red, people notice.
The problem is how self-conscious it makes you feel when someone else makes a comment, and it likely makes you nibble at your fingernails even more out of sight of prying eyes.
Whether it's out shopping for new duds or at an interview, you feel the first thing people notice about you is your chewed off, ugly fingernails. The look on their faces tells you exactly what they think, and it is not the impression you want to make.

Using will-power is the first step most people are advised to do to stop nail biting, and this rarely works. If it was that easy to stop biting your nails, then 98% of young, sports-oriented American males wouldn't have the problem.

Out of desperation, many people resort to strange concoctions and devices to find a cure to their nail biting problem. From smearing their hands with mayonnaise and wearing gloves all day, to self-hypnosis, these are just some of the traditional remedies recommended by physicians.
There is also the "try-anything" home remedies people swear will stop nail biting. These are things like onions and garlic smeared on your finger tips. Even if it does work, the damage it will do to your social life makes it one most people are not willing to risk.
Many people develop the nail biting habit at a very young age, and unconsciously carry it into adulthood. To stop biting means to get to the root of why you bite your nails in the first place.
Did someone like a parent or grandparent bite their nails, and you simply picked it up too? For those who developed the nail biting habit later in their teens, the reasons may have been low self-esteem, nervousness or stress.
Other people resort to biting their nails after they quit smoking, have a stressful home life or go on a diet. The reasons are endless when it comes to why people bite their nails.
Regardless of the reasons, there is hope for you. Today, there are more reliable cures to stop biting nails. They have been proven to work much better than remedies in the old days.
If you tried a program or treatment years ago to stop nail biting with little to no results, then you definitely want to look into some of the newer nail biting remedies that can end your habit within a few minutes.


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