
Monday, February 14, 2011

Biting Nails Psychology-ACRYLIC NAILS

Chronic biting of nails is often viewed as just one more bad habit that people could have. But what is the actual biting nails psychology?
This condition is sometimes referred to by the medical and scientific communities as onychophagia. It consists of someone having a chronic and recurring habit of biting their fingernails.
It sometimes manifests itself when a person is anxious, nervous, hungry, or even simply bored and has nothing else to do.
Some psychologists have linked onychophagia to obsessive compulsive disorder, which consists of repeating certain acts many more times than necessary, such as checking to make sure the door is closed, arranging objects in an orderly way, washing a certain surface or hoarding. Those who engage in such behaviors often see nothing wrong with them and actually do not get tired of doing them.
Examining The Biting Nails Psychology
Now let's examine the Biting Nails Psychology from a behavioral point of view. This will give you more insight about what this habit truly is, what causes it, and certain methods that could be employed in order to put an end to it.
Nail biting is a habit that would often start at an early age. That being said, it can occur in people of all ages, but adults who have this habit most often start when they are around 10 years old. According to statistics, it is also a very common one.
Statistics indicate that 35% of kids between the ages of 6 and 10, 44% of teenagers and between 20% to 30% of young adults regularly bite their nails. In older adults, it is less prevalent, but it still affects around 5% to 7% of the older adult population. This means that millions of people in America regularly engage in the habit of biting their nails.
When we look at the statistics, we can see that the onset of onychophagia is the most common around the age of puberty. Those researching biting nails psychology have established a link between biting nails and the complex emotional changes that occur during that stage in a person's life.

All of these emotions could cause many new anxieties, stressful situations and feelings of unease and uncertainty. Some respond to these emotions by engaging in certain behaviors, like biting their nails. This can provide them some degree of relief from their emotions. Some will grow out of it, while others who have gotten accustomed to biting their nails will continue doing it in their later years and will often not realize that they have a problem.
Now that you know a bit more about the Biting Nails Psychology, let's take a look at some ways that can be used to control it. As nail biting is a behavior that has been learned over time, it is possible to unlearn it by using some behavioral therapies. Some behavior specialists recommend sufferers to keep a log as to when their habit occurs the most often, so that the stimulus that causes it could be better understood. As it is often caused by stress, learning to relax can have very positive effects.


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