
Monday, February 14, 2011

Tips to Prevent Yellow Nails And Have Clearer Nails - ACRYLIC NAILS

Having toenail fungus can be a common condition for many people. There are many reasons for a person's nails to become yellow, diabetes mellitus and lymphedema (chronic leg swelling) are two diseases that can result in ones nails becoming discolored.
But more often the reason for yellow toenails is an infection of fungus in the nail bed.
This is a common condition, and for those who enjoy running for either sport or health reasons, it is very common.
A fungus infection generally starts as a small spot under ones nail and then spreads which causes the nail to change colors, thicken and become crumbly around the edges.
Yellow toenails are not only unsightly to look at, but they can also be painful. When the toenail fungus starts to grow beneath the nail, it generally starts as a small spot under the nail, but it then spreads and causes the nail to change colors.
The nail may become thick and raised. Due to the nail being raised, it is will stand out more and is more likely to catch on something or get pulled accidently which can result in substantial pain.
There are a wide range of treatments for yellow nails. Many turn to home remedies where one uses common items such as using apple cider vinegar, Listerine mouthwash and tea tree oil. These treatments can help in the very early stages of the infection, but generally by the time you have yellow nails, a person needs a stronger treatment.
It is best to try one of the many anti nail fungal solutions that are available with Tolnaftate. If the fungus solution does not work, or you have a particularly bad case of it, you should see your physician to make certain that is all that is wrong. Also, there are different types of nail fungus and it is can be helpful to have your physician determine what type you have so you can use the proper anti nail fungus solution or other treatment.
It is important to note that getting rid of nail fungus can be difficult as the fungus gets very deep into the nail bed and it can take an extremely long time to get rid of it. It is important that one also makes sure that they eat healthy, get proper exercise, keep feet dry, file nails down and use their anti nail fungal solutions as directed if they wish to be successful in ridding themselves of the fungus and the yellow toenails that come with it.


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