
Friday, April 29, 2011

Salad Nail Day

The best way to get fabulous nails is by following a healthy, balanced diet. These diet tips will help ensure you're eating your way to longer, stronger nails.
Step up your protein intake
Too little protein can lead to weak nails, so make sure you're getting your fair share. You should eat two portions a day from the following: meat, fish, eggs, cheese or milk.
Try: Pouring semi-skimmed milk over your wholegrain breakfast cereal or having a cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread for lunch.
Think zinc
Zinc is a mineral needed for the growth and renewal of cells and is important for the formation of new nails cells. Fill up on zinc-rich foods such as whole grain, nuts, seeds, lean meat and seafood.
Try: Snacking on a handful of freshly shelled peanuts or scattering some prawns over a crisp green salad.

Take 5!
You should aim to eat five portions of fresh fruit and vegetable each day to ensure your body is getting all the nutrition it needs.
Try: Having a glass of unsweetened orange juice with your breakfast or bulking out a sandwich with a mixed green salad.
Boost your icon intake
Iron deficiency can make your nails thin and flat, so increase your iron intake through foods such as lean red meat, dark green vegetables, dried fruit and nuts.
Try: Mixing some dried apricots into a container of low far natural yogurt or steaming some broccoli to have with your evening meal.
Flower power
Flaky dry nails often respond to a supplement of evening primrose or star flower oils because they both contain the polyunsaturated fatty acids needed to form the structure of cell membranes and lock in moisture.


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